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A Communications And Media Attorney Serving Businesses In Illinois And Nationwide

My practice as a communications and media attorney started over a decade ago, representing broadcasters during the infancy of Internet Protocol television (IPTV). International television programming was aired over the Internet for immigrants residing in the United States, but without the proper licenses or rebroadcasting rights. Domestic programming was being stolen for retransmission in both domestic and foreign markets.

Problems remain pervasive: “Pirates” work with a larger canvas, disrupting media operations of online, terrestrial, satellite and cable broadcasting. Meanwhile, content providers are losing money every time their live broadcasts, time-shifted programming or streaming video on demand (VOD) services are illegally intercepted and aired.

Protecting The Rights Of Media And Internet Professionals From Acts of Piracy

While I have helped my clients secure copyrights, trademarks, service marks and franchise rights at Richard E. Steck & Associates, I also fight to protect those valuable assets from infringement when they are being exploited. I get to the root of your legal problem, identify the responsible parties anywhere in the world and hold them accountable. Suits for copyright infringement and for damages and injunctions under the Communications Act are two of many weapons available to protect your rights. I pursue fast and effective resolutions, many times at trial.

Unlimited access to entertainment and information is a key press away on a computer or mobile device. The growing sophistication of technology is only matched by the equally sophisticated yet illegal tactics employed by those engaged in Internet piracy. The hard work put into developing software applications, writing songs or producing a television show or movie can be exploited in an instant without any compensation to the creators.

Pirates do not stop at entertainment-related content. Unbeknownst to their victims, they provide access to viruses and worms that, when downloaded, provides them to access computers to harvest email addresses for spam purposes and commit other violations of computer users’ privacy.

Actions often considered harmless “sharing” are actually harmful acts of theft. Protect your property with one telephone call.

Contact Chicago Lawyer Richard E. Steck

To schedule a free initial consultation regarding piracy and how media, copyright and trademark regulations and enforcement of your rights can help you, contact me via email or call my Illinois law office at 800-858-1682.