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Business Law Representation You Can Trust

While I represent businesses of all sizes at Richard E. Steck & Associates, smaller companies compose most of my client base. As a skilled Chicago business lawyer, I take on the challenging legal issues business owners face on a daily basis, problems that only serve to distract from their daily operations.

Finding Resolution To Problems Specific To Your Business Organization

Any type of dispute runs the risk of undoing the hard work you put in to establish your business operation. Local, state and national government entities accusing you of regulatory compliance violations could suspend, revoke or refuse to issue a license. Banks operating in a challenging economy could call in a loan or pursue the loan’s guaranty, violating the original intent of the agreement.

I understand the budgetary restrictions my clients face when trying to resolve legal problems. They need solutions that are both fast and affordable. They require intelligent strategies that are tailored to their specific legal issues. They need an attorney who will look out for their best interests when it comes to their valuable assets, the existence and profitability of their businesses being prime.

From the steps taken to open a business to growth through mergers and acquisitions to the sale of a successful company, my job is to even the odds hard-working business owners face against powerful financial institutions and government entities.

Contact Business And Commercial Law Attorney Richard E. Steck

To schedule a free initial consultation, contact me via email or call Richard E. Steck & Associates at 800-858-1682. My firm is located in the central business district of Chicago near the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.